Plaque and Badge Commemorating the Election of Miklós Horthy as Regent of Hungary, 1920
A hundred years ago, on 1 March 1920, Miklós Horthy was elected as Regent of Hungary by the National Assembly. To commemorate the event a plaque and badge, designed by decorative and graphic artist Lieutenant László Gy. Pethely, was issued by the Military History Archives and Museum, by the thousands, along with a larger version, of which about 300–500 were made. All versions were manufactured by the G. A. Scheid Company in Budapest. Funds raised by the selling of the items went to support the Military History Archives and Museum, established in the autumn of 1918, as well as the efforts to help Hungarian prisoners of war return from abroad to their homeland. The letters HLM on the obverse stand for Hadtörténelmi Levéltár és Múzeum (Military History Archives and Museum in Hungarian).